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Protein Expression Services

Accelerate your studies with fast, reliable, and flexible protein expression services. Backed by over two decades of experience expressing proteins for customer projects and as antigen for our in-house produced antibodies, we have the expertise to deliver what your project needs.

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A one-stop service from gene design to protein preparation
A one-stop service from gene design to protein preparation
A one-stop service from gene design to protein preparation
A one-stop service from gene design to protein preparation
E. coli Expression

E. coli is widely used as a host cell to produce recombinant proteins with pharmaceutical or industrial targets. E. coli expression systems are easy to purify, cost and time efficient, and have good stability and high expression. However, due to a deficiency of post-translational modification machinery in E. coli, proteins will not be modified unlike in mammalian cells. 


E. Coli Expression Service 

Our high-level recombinant protein E. coli expression service includes scale-up and tag removal as requested, fast turn-around time, and competitive pricing. E. coli expression is among the most widely used systems for recombinant proteins because of its many advantages.


Breakdown of Standard Service by Phase 

Our E. coli expression service takes 6 to 8 weeks from subcloning to expression in 2 phases starting at $3,200. 


Phase I

Phase II

Subcloning into Expression Vector

  • Amplification/isolation of the gene of interest (GOI) from a client-supplied construct and subcloning into a suitable transfer vector with His-Tag (or GST-tag).
  • Sequence confirmation of insert.
  • Mini-induction to over-express the target protein.
  • Test for recombinant protein by SDS-PAGE and Western Blot. The customer must provide appropriate antibodies to the protein of interest if desired.

Expansion and Purification

  • One liter of bacterial culture will be induced with IPTG and harvested for protein purification.
  • Ni-NTA purification of protein with 6X His-tags or glutathione for GST-tagged proteins using beads either under native or denatured conditions.

Estimated time: 3-5 weeks
Price: $2,000

Estimated time: 2 weeks
Price: $1,200


  • 5 μg of transfer vector
  • Recombinant Protein
  • Documentation
  • Yield ranges from 0.5 – 50 mg/L of culture with an average yield of 3 mg/L. Solubility is not guaranteed.
Baculovirus Expression

Our high-level baculovirus expression service features:

Baculovirus expression takes 8 weeks from subcloning to expression in 3 phases starting at $9,000

  • Competitive pricing
  • High-level expression system
  • Short timeline from cloning to protein recovery

Baculovirus expression systems have many known advantages including fast and cost-effective methods to generate large amounts of recombinant proteins in comparison to bacterial expression systems, particularly those requiring complex post-translational modifications. Our services include:

  • Developing an effective strategy for molecular cloning and expression.
  • Custom or high throughput cloning into a range of baculovirus transfer vectors.
  • Small-scale transient expression screening to determine optimal expression conditions.
  • Large-scale transient expression in shake flasks and/or WAVE bioreactor.

The insect cell/baculovirus expression vector system (BEVS) is becoming increasingly popular to produce recombinant proteins. The system offers several advantages,including:

  • Able to perform complex post-translational modifications (PTMs)
  • High success rate of soluble protein recovery
  • Suitable to produce large protein complexes
  • High protein expression levels compared to other higher eukaryotes

The ability of insect cell/BEVS to generate proteins with complex PTMs, coupled with high expression levels, makes it particularly suitable to produce mammalian proteins.

Phase I

Transfection of sf9 insect cells

  • Amplification/isolation of your gene of interest (GOI) and subcloning into a transfer vector with His-Tag or GST-tag.
  • Sequence confirmation of insert.
  • Transformation of baculoviral DNA transformed E. coli with the GOI to produce recombinant bacmid/GOI DNA.

Estimated time: 2-3 weeks
Price: $1,500

Phase II

  • Small-scale culture of E. coli and extraction of recombinant bacmid (recombinant viral DNA).
  • Transfection of sf9 insect cells with recombinant bacmid to produce recombinant baculovirus.
  • Small scale culture to test the expression level and subsequent optimization, if necessary.

Note: Net yield, purity, and solubility not guaranteed.

Estimated time: 3-4 weeks
Price: $4,500

Phase III

Large Scale Transfection and Purification

  • Virus stock preparation.
  • Large scale culture and infection of sf9 insect cells for protein expression.
  • Protein purification from 1 L of infected sf9 cells using affinity purification columns.

Estimated time: 3-4 weeks
Price: $3,000

Fill out custom forms

Each project of recombinant protein customization requires evaluation to determine the corresponding plan and price. For further information on service prices or technical details, please send an email to service@Omnimabs.com Or call +213 / 3753998 to contact us directly.